Access to information

We may charge an administrative fee to cover our costs to access a copy of the information you requested.

If you have requested a copy of the information we hold about you, you may notice that the records contain inaccuracies or that certain parts are incomplete. If this is the case, you can contact us so that we can correct our records.

You have the right to be forgotten

There may be times when it is no longer necessary for us to hold personal information about you. This could be if:

  • The information is no longer needed for the original purpose that we collected it for
  • You withdraw your consent for us to use the information (and we have no other legal reason to keep it)
  • You object to us using your information, and we have no overriding reason to keep using it
  • We have used your information unlawfully
  • We are subject to a legal requirement to delete your information

In those situations, you have the right to have your personal data deleted. If you believe one of these situations applies to you, please get in touch.

Should you have any queries, you can contact us via any of the methods below
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +44 01223 655314

Write to us at:
Cachet Cars Ltd
Suite 501
The Nexus Building